Cleaning the NES 101 Top Loader

I won a second NES Top Loader on ebay last week.  I figured after liking the first one so much I need one to just store away.  Fortunately for me this console was almost in MINT shape.  Unfortunately I wanted to do a little tuturial on cleaning these and all though this one was already fairly clean from the start I’m going to go over the steps I took to make it shine.  Also it should be noted that even in it’s mint like condition there was still dust in the cartridge slot and some heavy dust in the bottom of the console when I removed the covers.  So no matter how clean your top loader may look, they are 18 years old and could probably use at least a good dusting.

Tools for cleaning:

        1. 3.8mm Security Bit
        2. Isopropyl Alcohol (I used 91%)
        3. Dishwashing Soap
        4. Can of Compressed Air
        5. Toothbrush
        6. Soft Bristol Cleaning Brush
        7. Q-tips
        8. Phillips Screwdriver
Using the Security Bit, first remove the 4 screws on the back of the console:
Once the security bit screws have been removed the top casing should be removed from the bottom.  Looking down at the console you will notice the aluminum sheilding protecting the motherboard.  Using your screw driver remove the 3 screws circled below:
Once the sheilding is removed the motherboard will be exposed.  This one was extremely clean but there was a litte dust which I removed with the compressed air.
You will now want to remove the two phillips screws on the sides of the pin connector.  These two screws are the final two screws holding the motherboard to the bottom of the console shell.  Once they have been removed, careful lift the motherboard off the bottom sheilding by holding the motherboard by the edges.  Also remove the sheilding from the bottom of the console shell.  Blast the inside bottom part of the console shell with the compressed air to remove any dust.  You could could clean that plastic shell with soap and water but I didn’t need to with this one.  If you do that step just be careful not to soak the stickers on the back of the bottom shell.
Now that you have the motherboard free from the console shell I would recommend soaking the toothbrush in the rubbing alcohol.  Hold the motherboard upside down with the pin connector facing the floor.  Lightly scrub the soaked toothbrush along the pin connectors.  Holding it upside down will allow any access alcohol to not run to the bottom of the connector.
Next you’re going to want to scrub the top of the console shell.  But first you will have to remove the cartridge slot.  Remove the three screws circled in the photo below.
Remove the cartridge slot and the door flap.  To clean these parts you are going to want to run warm water over them and cover them in dishwashing soap.  Use the soft bristol cleaning brush to clean out any of the hard to reach areas.  Rinse the soap off and set them apart to dry before reassembling.
Dry all the parts you can with a towel before reassembling.  However I would recommend letting the parts air dry a while too before reassembling the console.  Before reassembling the console you may want to use the compressed air on the controller ports.
Any questions?

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